Who is jesus

Most historians agree that he was a Jew from a place called Judea, in a town called Nazareth, in what is now Israel. They also agree that he was thought of as an Evangelist and a Healer, and was baptized by John the Baptist. He was crucified in Jerusalem on the orders of Pontius Pilate.
Jesus taught mainly love and forgiveness for others, as well as being humble about one's religion. He said that one must be mild, like a child, and never boast. He taught that people who rely on religion and forsake relationships do not receive his blessing. Jesus opposed the other Jewish priests who despised him of his time, who manipulated religion to boast. This led to other Jewish leaders hating Jesus, because Jesus interfered with their ego-boosting. Jesus also opposed authoritarianism, leading to the Roman authorities executing him, as he posed a threat to their power.

There are stories about the life of Jesus by different writers. The best known are four books in the Bible called gospels.

The four Gospels are Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

Jesus Loves Me
They form the beginning of the New Testament, a part of the Bible. Gospel means "good news". They tell a little about his birth, and mostly about his adult life: his teachings, ministry, death, and " resurrection” (return from death). 

The accounts contain many "miraculous events". Disciples back in the day of Jesus were performing miracles, and Jesus was one of these "miracle performers", who tried to unite the people together by giving them comfort and a higher sense of purpose (making them feel better and allowing them to move on in life).

For the one whom God has sent speaks the words of God, for God gives the Spirit without limit. The Father loves the Son and has placed everything in his hands. Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for God's wrath remains on him." ~ John 3:34-36

What was it about this man Jesus? A carpenter by profession, not of any social importance, not even particularly good looking, ~ Isaiah 53 All He had to do was call and people simply dropped whatever they were doing to walk away with Him. This same Jesus who was killed in the cruelest manner, discarded with no regard by his people and who willingly walked to His own death carrying His cross. Jesus is the most acknowledged personality today. Those who make no claims to His heritage, still confess to His having marked this planet with His presence.

In the thirty-three and a half years that Jesus walked on earth it made an impact among those that believe and follow His teachings what He preached is profound. He died early into His manhood when a man is at his best in health and vigor. At thirty-three and a half years of age Jesus made the most ultimate perfect sacrifice by shedding His blood for you and I, so that we would be saved and be free from our old life style when we ask for forgiveness and believe in His name. And this is His commandment: that we should believe on the name of His Son Jesus Christ and love one another, as He gave us this commandment. ~ 1 John 3:23

Jesus died for you and I so we may live our lives as it was intended to be no heartache, no sorrow, no pain, no worrying, to know peace, hope, faith and most importantly to live in love. Sometimes we don’t give Jesus the respect that is due to Him. We neglect the fact that He walked among us as you and me, like we walked today. He was flesh, blood, experienced hurts, pain, temptations and resistance.

Jesus came into this world as a man to take on the world's problems and intervene for our sins so when we decide to come to know Him, we could have a clean heart, mind, body and soul.

I can’t imagine being told by your Father in heaven that you were going to be denied by your friends and you were going to be turned over to the Romans to be hung on a cross. Knowing all this He could have run and saved His life. Jesus knew all this and decided to stay, he knew what had to take place for us to have salvation and forgiveness of our sins.

Jesus also knew that He was going to have to walk miles with a huge cross on His back to a place called Calvary the place were the roman guards were going to nail Him to a cross and kill Him.

When it came time to carry that cross Jesus could have laid down and have the Roman guards beat Him to death. But Jesus didn’t, He kept walking, yes! Jesus could have taken the easy way out, but Jesus chose to obey His father's will, if we don’t learn anything else from Jesus's death remember this, He was obedient until the end.

Imagine allowing yourself to be laid upon a cross with your hands spread wide and suddenly spikes nailed through your hands and feet, the pain to any human would be unbearable. The pain of the spikes being hammered through the right hand feeling each pounding of the hammer and then the left hand and finally your two feet.

Now think of this, the heartache that God His Father was feeling as He watched from Heaven, watching His only begotten Son hanging there crying out to His Father asking to forgive them for they not know what they do.

Here hung a man that knew no sin or evil. Yes, the spikes in His hands and feet were so painful His fleshly wounds didn't compare to what He was about to experience. He had to take on all the sins of the world, Jesus took it all at once like a bolt of lightning this must have been devastating for Jesus to suddenly experience all the hate, anger, lust, rage, and evil desires of man's hearts, In that moment of anguish, the spikes, the spears, the crown piercing His brow, were not what took Jesus life but I believe it was a broken heart. Jesus right up to the end was a loving man, through all the torture He endured can only tell us one thing Jesus loves you so much He died for us.

Jesus with all this power to destroy His enemies never once raised His voice in anger or raised His hand to destroy them. Jesus went willingly. If you were asked to die for your father who is in heaven or if Jesus asked you to die for Him would you? He died for you.

Could you die for a family member if you had to? If you answered yes, then what are you waiting for? Let your old man die inside of you and put on a new man in Jesus. If you want to learn about the love of Jesus and how to live in that very same love and experience His love then I recommend following the link below to learn about The Holy Spirit and how he works in our life with God and Jesus Christ, together all three are known as the Trinity.

This website will explain how to accept Jesus Christ into your life, about Salvation, Heaven, Hell, deliverance, the Seven deadly sins and most important thing how to start a relationship with Jesus Christ.

Who is the Holy Spirit and the Trinity...

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